Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Though never a fan of Star Wars (I know I can't believe I said it either), I am a fan of all things clever, check this out... The Star Wars Wiki.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sudoko, Are You In?

I admit I am hooked, it all happened one weekend while visiting my husband's family, they printed a dozen Sudokos downloaded from a website and we spent the entire day solving puzzles. The popularity has become an inspiration for cause related organizations, none more so than Fairtrade at work who nicely tapped a trend with a Sudoko-esque game, try it, I'm sure you'll like it... http://www.fairtradeatwork.org.uk/#.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Powerful Indeed

Monday, November 20, 2006

Spoofing Apple for a Good Cause

Now, don't get me wrong, I do love Apple products. Yet, I also care deeply about the environment, and this campaign is really well done... http://www.greenpeace.org/apple/.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

What Ted Wants, Ted Gets

And, Ted wants Web 2.0 Street Cred...

Did you see the article in the Washington Post about Ted Leonsis' blog strategy?

My husband and I are both Ted Leonsis fans for both his love of hockey and his love of technology. Both of our jobs are centered squarely in the online world and we both ice skate - my husband plays hockey in an adult league and I figure skate.

Back to the article, it describes how Ted intentionally created the image he wanted to portray through a blog strategy and raised his blog to the top of search results for his name.

As for the Web 2.0 street cred, he didn't want to talk it, he wanted to live it. Good for him!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'll Take "All Things Geek" for 100, Alex...

The clue - a day dedicated to making yourself useful and life easy.

What is... World Usability Day?

That is correct. Today is World Usability Day.

World Usability Day 2006 promotes the value of usability engineering and user-centered design and the belief that every user has the responsibility to ask for things that work better. The Usability Professionals' Association is doing that by encouraging, organizing, and sponsoring 36 hours of activities at the local level around the globe, all occurring on November 14, 2006.

To celebrate, here at National Wildlife Federation, we are creating an "Employee's Choice" category on the Intranet and posting the "top 5 most requested" items nominated by staff.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Would Bono Be Proud?

Thanks Tony!

Bank of America exec's singing about mergers set to U2's One -- it doesn't get any better than that on a Friday afternoon...


Oh, and, I am one of the merged, I have been transferred from MBNA to the misguided creativity of Bank of America. Oh my!

Optimize Your PDF

Here at National Wildlife Federation, we do a great .pdf business in the form of some of the best reports and fact sheets you have ever seen (clearly no bias on my part). When delivered to the hands of our constituents, these are tools that can help inform and grow the environmental movement. Yet, the process breaks down if the download time is unbearably slow and people just give up. As organizations do, we work with contract designers and while all are print savvy for sure, not all are web savvy. So began my search for guidelines to share on how to optimize a .pdf. Designers will no doubt appreciate knowing right from the start that the document they create will be intended for the web as well as print. And, if they don't already know how to optimize for the web, these guidelines will surely help. But, don't worry, the best thing about these guidelines is if you already have a document and no way to get back to the original there is a great tip for optimizing an existing .pdf. Read the full guidelines.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tune Your Run

On December 10th, my husband, brother and father are all running the Honolulu Marathon. In typical fashion, this leads my husband and I to relentlessly research running shoes. Our best find is Nike+iPod. Oh yes, it is as cool as it sounds. Listen to music. Track your runs by time, distance, and calories. Invite your friends to compete against you or better yet cooperate and track a team goal.

The only drawback -- alas it requires the iPod Nano and we are embarassingly using the old technology of iPod mini! Oh, and we have no idea how they run.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oldies but Goodies

Since it's election day, I thought I'd take one last look at the candidates before casting my vote. Along my stroll I found this still very relevant article from The Washington Post, The 2004 Best Blogs Politics & Elections Readers' Choice Awards .

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Let Google Rescue You!

Though I never found my addiction to solitaire, I certainly had a fondness for tetris. As all things do my affection faded and I have been lost since. Now, I thank my lucky stars that Google found me. Have you tried the Google Image Labeler? You really must, it will fill just about any void.
  • Are you bored? Engage your mind.
  • Are you competitive? Earn points.
  • Are you lonely? Get paired with a partner.
  • Are you committed to the public good? Find comfort in knowing the images you search for on Google are labeled properly.
Try it today!

Friday, November 03, 2006

What are online donors thinking?!

They are young and they are generous, read on...

Thanks to Anne for forwarding this one.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Camera Rwanda

Last year, I read "The God of Small Things" a beautifully written yet incredibly sad novel. This won Arundhati Roy the Booker Prize in 1998. Nothing since has struck me both beautifully and sadly until Camera Rwanda. The story is also about hope and oddly enough about the power of online community. Read the story and experience the photography.

Yes, things can change in a day.