Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Great Business Idea?

Anyone read Strategy+Business? A great publication indeed.

The Innovation Network, in December 2005 (yes, the annual email cleanup yields great blog posts) Strategy+Business' criteria for determining a really good business idea:

(1) It is timely: It addresses, in a new, compelling way, an issue that is important to people right now.

(2) It has explanatory power: It reveals the hidden patterns and interrelationships that shape the phenomena we see, and that other theories or disciplines have not fully explained.

(3) It has pragmatic value: It can be put into practice to produce replicable results.

(4) It has a robust empirical foundation: It can be tested with real-world experience, and ideally with measurable data, and can survive theoretical challenge.

(5) It has a natural constituency: A group of key people are ready to hear it.


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